Get in Touch

We’re there for you.

The on-demand, last-mile courier of choice you can depend on every day.

Speak to us about reliably handling your freight volumes with customised solutions today.

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Get ahead with custm


We solve last-mile delivery problems for our clients.


Reliable & on-demand drivers to scale quickly & meet changing freight volumes.


Outstanding delivery experiences are driven by our trained & motivated people.

Courier resourcing on demand

Same Day

Same day

Booked prior to or on the day of the job.



Booked on the day of the job.



Booked prior to or on the day of the job.

Flexible Dedicated
Same Day Sprint Marathon
Passenger Vehicles Passenger Vehicles
Same Day Sprint Marathon
1 - Tonne Van 1 - Tonne Van
Same Day Sprint Marathon
2 - Tonne Van 2 - Tonne Van
Same Day Sprint Marathon
3 - Tonne Courier Truck 3 - Tonne Courier Truck
Same Day Sprint Marathon
6 to 8 - Pallet Truck 6 to 8 - Pallet Truck
Sprint Marathon
10 to 14 - Pallet Truck 10 to 14 - Pallet Truck
Sprint Marathon
Parcel Sort Parcel Sort
30 minutes* 30 minutes* Marathon
Driver Ambassador Driver Ambassador
Account Manager Account Manager
Same Day Sprint Marathon
Territory Leader Territory Leader
Same Day Sprint Marathon
Command Centre Command Centre
Same Day Sprint Marathon

Consistent delivery, positive customer experience and predictable performance are made possible by our trained, supported and compliant, multi-stop drivers.

Our quality-focused drivers are trained and supported to reflect your values, adhere to your policies, and add real and measurable value to your organisation through increased transparency and consistently better results.




Attempted Deliveries






Higher SPORH*


*(Stops per on-road hour) Varies by vehicle & targets.

People and Support

People and Support

A team of highly compliant fleet drivers supported by cutting edge technology.

By investing in both technology and people, we’re able to provide a reliable supply of high-performance, scalable resourcing that adds measurable value to your brand.

That means greater efficiency, more deliveries made safely, and lower costs per delivery.

  • Data transparency in real time
  • Detailed performance reporting
  • Performance & productivity management
  • Open communication for immediate response
  • Performance-focused KPIs aligned with targets
  • Cutting-edge app customisation for mutual growth

Hear from our partners

  • The customised team are second to none. Outstanding service! They have helped the Allied Express team when we were stuck between a rock & a hard place. A quality service that prides themselves on reliability & honesty.

    Raed Assafiri M Operations Manager -
  • Absolutely happy & impressed with the support custm provide us. It’s that level of care that makes the decision to use custm first over other competitors easier.

    Brett Herrick Fleet Manager -
  • The custm team are an impressive and extremely professional team. What I really appreciate is that they are collaborative and flexible to work with. When we were in desperate need for drivers for our NSW operation, they were able to supply at short-notice without compromising on quality.

    James Hucker National Fleet Manager -

Trusted by

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We’re in all major cities and locations.

custm provides last mile courier delivery services to the largest transport companies in Australia. That means you can start delivering from a depot close to home.

Gold Coast

Western Australia

New South Wales
Major Regional Centres


Major Regional Centres

South Australia


Frequently asked questions

  • What separates custm from cheaper alternatives?

    At custm, we place great emphasis on delivering value beyond simply connecting transport companies with on-demand courier resources. Safety & compliance is essential in this space, and we use technology to accurately track and maintain documentation across our drivers. In addition, we have developed and continue to refine our driver app that is dedicated to making each and every day as efficient as possible, whilst capturing data to derive insights into fleet performance. We share these insights with clients and our drivers such that we can work in tandem to continually refine and improve our service offering. Together with frequent training, we have created a courier driver community that is dedicated to performing at their best every job they take!

  • What happens if I suddenly don't require as many drivers?

    Nothing! The vast majority of our clients use our service so they can scale their fleet up and down with their freight volume and requirements. Regardless of whether you need a number of drivers ongoing, or different volumes each month, we are here to accommodate your requirements – whatever they may be.

  • How will I know whether or not drivers are available?

    We supply courier drivers on-demand, and will endeavor to supply to your requirements. You can submit a request via email or over the phone by calling us on 03 9793 7262. We will always do our best to supply, and can often schedule more capacity within a matter of days. However, please keep in mind that due to the seasonal nature of freight volumes, demand spikes do occur. In these instances, lead times for provision of courier drivers may be extended due to the need to recruit and onboard to fulfill requests.

  • How will I know whether or not custm is an effective solution for me?

    Clients who meet minimum thresholds of drivers are provided reports that give insight into the performance and cost breakdown of their courier resourcing. This is provided at no cost to you and allows us to work closely together regarding any discrepancies and continually strive for optimal performance.

  • What about Chain of Responsibility? Is there anything I need to worry about?

    Our on-demand courier drivers go through a screening process to ensure they meet the minimum requirements for licensing, background checks, experience, fitness to work and relevant insurances. We have a strong emphasis on safety through training, including weekly toolboxes and ongoing support. Our courier drivers also complete a fit for duty and pre-start check before each job shift, and a cool down upon completion of their shift. We welcome the opportunity to discuss this further with you.

  • What happens if I am unsatisfied with the service?

    We do our best to accommodate your requirements and exceed expectations for all our movements. In the event we fall short of these, we encourage you to contact Fleet HQ to speak to our friendly staff. There are often a number of solutions given the flexible nature of our service, and we make a point of ensuring each client is satisfied on an ongoing basis.

  • What does your service cost?

    As every business is unique, with many variables in last mile delivery services, we like to understand your requirements and tailor a solution that compliments and perhaps enhances your user experience. Contact us for a quick quote via Get in Touch or call us on 03 9793 7262.

  • How does pricing work?

    We keep it simple, you pay for what you use, with safe-guards in place to ensure this is monitored and meets specific performance benchmarks. Depending on the type of courier resourcing, there may be minimum time blocks and cancellation fees may apply.

  • Where is custm available?

    custm is available in several States and expanding.

    Cities include:

    • NSW: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong
    • VIC: Melbourne, major regional centres
    • TAS: Hobart, Launceston, Devonport
    • QLD: Brisbane, Gold Coast
    • WA: Perth
    • SA: Adelaide coming soon

Speak to us about reliably handling your freight volumes with customised solutions today.

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