This Custm Driver Handbook (this Handbook) applies to all of our contracted drivers who are part to a contract for services with Custm (Drivers), and outlines our operating guidelines, standards and requirements.
This Custm Driver Handbook explains what we expect of Contractors performing the Services.
Unless otherwise stated, this Handbook is effective immediately. We reserve the right to make changes to this Handbook as described under the "Handbook Changes" section.
Complying with all of the provisions of this Handbook is a necessary requirement and condition of your agreement as an independent contractor.
While this Handbook strives to give as much information as possible regarding our practices, there may be situations that it does not cover. As such, please do not consider this Handbook an exhaustive document. The policies and procedures outlined in this Handbook are meant to be a basis for and supplement to our other documents, rules or policies as may arise from time to time.
If there are any specific questions about anything contained in this Handbook, you should consult the appropriate individual or department at our organisation.
References in this Handbook to;
“Custm”, “us” “we”, means Customised Group Pty Ltd
“You”, “Driver”, “Nominated Driver”, means the individual as a Nominated Driver subject to a Contractors Agreement with Custm to provide Services.
In addition to this Handbook, you are required to be familiar with, and to comply with, all other policies which may apply from time to time, and which we may provide to you.
We may, from time to time, and in our sole and exclusive discretion, change the terms of this Handbook. We have the express right to change, revise, revoke, modify, amend, add to, or otherwise vary the terms of this Handbook and any of our other paperwork, documentation, or information.
The terms of this Handbook may only be changed in writing and updated in this Handbook, no terms will be changed orally. If we change these operating terms, we will send written notice to all contractors and change the "Last Updated" date at the top of this Handbook for future publication.
All Nominated Drivers are responsible for being aware of any policy changes after notice is received. If there are any questions or issues arising from or relating to anything contained within this Handbook, you should consult the appropriate individual or department at our organisation.
In addition to all obligations provided for in the Agreement, additionally we expect all Drivers to perform the Services – (including but not limited to the following):
Drivers must be neat, clean and well-presented at all times while performing the services.
Custm will not reimburse you for work-related expenses related.
You will submit for all Jobs with compliance in relation to your ability to conduct the Services in compliance with all laws and concerning fatigue and fatigue management, rest breaks, and record-keeping tools that are provided by Custm.
You agree that our operating procedures and restrictions on your performance of services is reasonable as a responsible entity, and you will submit to our mandatory rest or meal breaks, limits on hours to drive.
You agree to ensure that safe and proper loading of your vehicle, including securing and appropriate weather protection of all loads. You are responsible for practical checking that loading of vehicles is safe and satisfactory.
In accordance with your service agreement as an independent contractor of Custm, we permit you to allow someone else to perform your Custm services (referred to as a Nominated Driver). Your services to us are not required personally. However, we do require all persons who perform services for us to comply with this Schedule 2 and that they are legally permitted to perform such services.
Should you elect to use a Nominated Driver to do some or all of the work for you, you must pay that person and ensure that all relevant details and compliance elements are met. All Nominated Drivers are subject to the prerequisites that we require of you – such as a police check or provision of a valid Drivers Licence or otherwise, and such documentation must be provided to Custm prior to their performance of any work.
We also require that you notify the host client for whom you are providing Custm services of the fact you have delegated or subcontracted the services. They may also require you to provide them with the details and compliance documentation of the Nominated Drive.
Notwithstanding that you are at liberty to arrange for a Nominated Driver to do all or some of the work for Custm services, that at all times you :
For absolute clarity, at no time will we pay the Nominated Driver to perform all or part of your work for services provided to us. That is your obligation.
By signing below, the Nominated Driver acknowledges having read and understood this Handbook, and agrees to be bound and to comply with this Handbook in its current form, and any variations and updates in the future as provided by Custm from time to time:
Nominated Driver Signature
Full Name