We’re Australia’s number one resource partner for transport companies and manufacturers.
Delivering the world, to your customer’s door.
Our operations cover all states, both regional and metro. So, no matter where you’re located in Australia, we can help.
Our head office is located in Port Melbourne, with additional offices in Sydney and Brisbane.
At Custm, we ensure you achieve outstanding results with every delivery.
Our tools and support empower you to maximize efficiency and success in your work.
Perfect for manufacturers, 3PL providers, online retailers, bulky goods and more.
Ideal for medium to larger organisations that require a dedicated last mile solution.
We can cater for shorter, ‘sprint’ runs (min 4 hr shifts) or longer, ‘marathon’ runs (min 10 hr shifts).
For all your labour andrecruitment needs.
Whether it’s general labour or a permanent position, we have you covered.
If it’s a fleet or labour resourcing problem, we’re here to solve it.
Give our Head Office a call using the button below, or simply fill out the form beneath it.
One of our team members will be happy to reach out to you.